OPC Free Test ToolsMatrikon OPC has the OPC tools that the world depends on.
Here, you'll find tools to test, simulate, view, and change data using OPC.
Matrikon OPC UA Explorer
Matrikon OPC UA Explorer is a free OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Client packed with easy testing and troubleshooting functionality for OPC UA servers. Unlike other OPC UA clients, Matrikon OPC UA Explorer is fast, easy to use, and is packed useful convenience functions.
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Matrikon Data Broker (MDB) UA Simulation Server
MDB provides a free OPC UA Simulation server that can easily set up OPC UA data sources in Windows, Containers, and Linux. MDB UA Simulation server can be used alone or with other federated OPC UA data sources so users can conveniently work with all their data sources via a single OPC UA address space.
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Matrikon OPC Explorer
The world's most installed OPC client, Matrikon OPC Explorer is a free utility
to view OPC Server items and test real-time OPC connections. Matrikon OPC
Explorer is a quick, yet powerful tool to test your OPC Servers and makes OPC
development pain free.
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DA and A&E Explorer – for real-time data and Alarms and Events |
A&E Explorer - for Alarms and Events data |
HDA Explorer - for historical data |
Explorer Mobile – Run Explorer from a USB key (DA and A&E) |
OPC UA Explorer |
Matrikon OPC Simulation Server
For integrators, developers and others using OPC, Matrikon OPC Simulation Server
is a free utility used to help test and troubleshoot OPC applications (clients)
and connections.
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Matrikon OPC Sniffer
Free utility to troubleshoot interoperability issues. Matrikon OPC Sniffer lets
you see what's going on "under the hood" between your OPC Client and OPC
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Matrikon OPC Analyzer
OPC Analyzer is a free utility is used to find common OPC problem areas
and backup important OPC-related files. Used by support technicians at
Matrikon OPC for years, this software is now being made available to the
public. Multiple plain text files containing the information are
generated and conveniently zipped into a single file.
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