Download: [Free eBook] How to use OPC UA Information Modeling to Maximize the Value of Your IIoT/I4.0 Products

OPC UA based open data connectivity and Information Modeling are fast becoming essential capabilities control automation products need to implement to compete in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie 4.0 (I4.0) era. While implementing OPC UA data connectivity unlocks the door for your products to play a role in digital transformation solutions, enabling your products to express that data in full context using OPC UA Information Modeling swings that door wide open and gives you a competitive advantage.

This eBook has been created in collaboration with Beeond and is part of series of Webinars dedicated to expanding the knowledge about OPC UA, for embedded and application developers, automation managers, system integrators, and end-users to provide them a concise, practical explanation of key Information Modeling concepts.

Download for free this eBook now and learn the most effective way to start using the power, flexibility, and extensibility of OPC UA Information Modeling in your projects.

**Connectivity issues? Matrikon OPC workshops can help!** More info

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