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Plant and Factory Data Connectivity

Matrikon® technology can be found in any industry that has a requirement for guaranteed data delivery.

Solve the toughest real-world industrial data connectivity challenges using the right data connectivity tools from Matrikon. Built to facilitate open and secure third party shop floor connectivity, Matrikon OPC UA and OPC Classic solutions put you in control of your new and existing data connectivity infrastructure projects.

Matrikon award winning data connectivity applications provide you with data connectivity you need:
  • Legacy system data connectivity to virtually all major automation vendor components
  • Data management tools to securely and reliably move OT data across complex IT networks
  • Mix and migrate OPC Classic and OPC UA components
  • Implement Industrial internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie4.0 Platform projects
  • and much more.

What data connectivity challenge can we help you solve?

➔ Discover OPC UA-based connectivity via Matrikon Data Broker Adapters:

PLC OPC Server Suite   PLC OPC Server Suite
Are you looking for easy-to-use industrial strength PLC OPC Servers? Matrikon is proud to be able to offer a collection of robust OPC Servers that meet one of the highest levels of quality assurance and testing in the industry today. OPC Server list

DCS OPC Server Suite   DCS OPC Server Suite
Are you working with legacy systems? Then you are looking for the Matrikon DCS OPC Server Collection which represents the widest selection of DCS connectivity on the planet. Strong relationships with industry giants like Honeywell, Yokogowa and Siemens have resulted in robust OPC Servers that provide reliable device communications and are easy to integrate. OPC Server list

Building Automation OPC Server Suite   Building Automation OPC Server Suite
As cities rapidly increase in size, the need for the quick and efficient collection of Building Automation Control data becomes critical for making effective business decisions that will lead your enterprise into the future. Matrikon Building Automation OPC Servers allow users to easily consolidate and extract data from geographically disperse locations making your dreams of centralized control stations a reality. OPC Server list

Telemetry SCADA OPC Server Suite   Telemetry SCADA OPC Server Suite
Matrikon Telemetry SCADA technology is built to be industrial strength and easy to use. Our philosophy on Telemetry SCADA communications is that any product produced by Matrikon must have the ability to deal with extreme communications environments.
OPC Server list

Turbine Controller OPC Server Suite   Turbine Controller OPC Server Suite
Matrikon Turbine Controller OPC Servers are built to be industrial strength and easy to use. Our philosophy on Turbine Controller communications is that any product produced by Matrikon must have the ability to provide measurement and diagnostics data for any wireless information system. OPC Server list

Historical Data Access Suite   Historical Data Access Suite
Now more than ever, companies need to depend on their historical data. Emissions control, trend analysis, corporate growth all depend on having the right knowledge at the right time. The Matrikon Historical Data Connectivity Suite of products makes accessing your data a seamless process. Choose from the World’s largest collection of OPC HDA Servers to suite your Historical Data Access needs. OPC Server list

Find all OPC Servers   All OPC Servers
    • @aGlance OPC Server
• ABB Advant IMS OPC Server
• Allen Bradley OPC Server
• APACS OPC Server (Direct)
• Applikon OPC Server from MatrikonOPC
• BACnet OPC Server for BACnet Devices
• Bailey OPC Server (SemAPI)
• Citect OPC Server
• DNP3 OPC Server
• EDAS (HOSE) OPC Server
• eDNA OPC Server
• Eurotherm 800 Series OPC Server
• Foxboro I/A (Object Manager) OPC Server
• Foxboro OPC Server
• GE Fanuc PLC OPC Server
• GE Speedtronic Mark V & VI OPC Server (GSM)
• GE Speedtronic Mark V OPC Server (Direct)
• Honeywell Measurex OPC Server
• Husky Host OPC Server
• IEC 61400-25 OPC Server
• IEC 61850 OPC Server
• Intellution Fix/iFix OPC Server
• JC N2 (Johnson Controls) OPC Server
• Kaye Digilink OPC Server
• Kaye Netpac OPC Server
• Lufkin Modbus OPC Server
• Matrikon OPC Server for AspenTech InfoPlus.21
• Mettler Toledo OPC Server
• Mitsubishi PLC OPC Server for Mitsubishi PLCs
• Mitsubishi Turbine Controllers OPC Server
• Modbus OPC Server for Modbus Devices
• Motorola IP Gateway OPC Server (MOSCAD)
• Nova Biomedical OPC Server
• Nova BioProfile FLEX Analyzer OPC Server
• OPC Server for Databases (ODBC, MySQL, MSSQL, and Oracle)
• OPC Server for Mark VI (Direct) - MatrikonOPC OPC Servers
• Proficy (iHistorian) OPC Server
• Provox OPC Server (Direct)
• SCADA Modbus OPC Server (Telemetry / OPC DA)
• Schneider Electric PowerLogic SMS OPC Server
• SCI OPC Server
• Siemens PLC data access with OPC UA or OPC Classic
• Siemens Wind Turbines OPC Server
• SNMP - OPC Client
• SNMP OPC Server
• Triconex OPC Server
• Vestas Wind Turbine Controllers OPC Server
• WITS OPC Server
• Wonderware Historian OPC Server (InSQL)
• Wonderware InTouch OPC Server
• Yokogawa OPC Server



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