The Matrikon OPC Server for CitectSCADA enables OPC compliant applications to retrieve process and calculated values from CitectSCADA. This OPC server is an invaluable tool for companies that want to use an existing implementation of CitectSCADA to provide data to a process historian, an ERP/MES system or reporting tool. Unlike the OPC Server that is bundled with CitectSCADA, this OPC server:
- Citect Trend data access via OPC HDA (Historical Data Access) 1.2
- Windows 2008 and Windows 7 are supported.
- Supports OPC DA (Data Access) 1.0, 2.05a, and 3.0
- Support CitectSCADA version 7.2
- Supports version 5.21 SP G and above
- Can be installed on a separate PC from CitectSCADA, thus avoiding any OPC DCOM issues
- Permits read and write access to all points available within CitectSCADA
- Runs as either an executable, or as a Windows Service
- Redundancy – connect OPC Server to Redundant Citect SCADA Servers
- Alias technology – Create meaningful tag names and browse lists that make sense to you from CitectSCADA tags
- Tag Security to lock down tag access to specific users at read/write/browse level (Optional)
- Calculation Engine – Perform mathematical manipulation (Optional)