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Our Strengths

Vendor Neutral Support

Part of the Matrikon® promise to you includes vendor-neutral OPC Support. Our team is available 24/7 via email, online chat, phone, and on-site support.

“Your support team rates pretty high in my opinion. They have helped me resolve issues that are not necessarily Matrikon’s without a lot of finger pointing – hard to find that these days. I think of them as a resource for help with OPC.”
Bill Jennings – Senior Systems Administrator


Matrikon enables students to learn on their own terms from highly engaged and approachable OPC mentors. Our practical course materials and real-world exercises let students go directly from the classroom to the worksite. Skills and concepts taught in our classrooms are applicable to any vendor’s OPC products. Matrikon is focused on empowering students with the knowledge to make them successful.

Product Innovation

Matrikon consistently invests in R&D to ensure its products deliver top value to customers using legacy control automation systems, the latest Industrie4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems, or both. Investment in the Matrikon® FLEX OPC UA software development toolkit provides 3rd-Party developers with best-in-class OPC UA tools so the vendors can quickly and confidently go to market with their OPC UA enabled products– regardless whether they are run on small embedded systems or large cloud based platforms. Investment in end-user products ensures Matrikon product end-users can count on getting secure, reliable, and up-to-date functionality from their Matrikon solutions.

Partners in Automation

Matrikon works closely with integrators, regional representatives, OEMs, and trainers who share its commitment to helping end-customers get the most from their OPC solutions.



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