OPC Server for Environmental Systems Corp. ESC) E-DAS EMR for Windows
The OPC Server for E-DAS (HOSE) is used for Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS). The OPC Server connects E-DAS Expert and E-DAS EMR software packages to any OPC compliant client application. Functional capabilities include:
- Read/write data access (with write protection capability)
- Synchronous / Asynchronous data transfer
- Communication with any OPC DA/HDA compliant client
- ODBC interface through OPC-ODBC Client Module, for transfer to Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, etc.
- Historical data capability to manage data changes due to editing, data substitution, fuel analysis, or other retroactive actions that affect historical data values
- Remote control of status points and calibration control sequences
- Multiple E-DAS servers can communicate to a single OPC Client, and E-DAS servers can link to multiple OPC clients
This interface can be used to build corporate-level allowance tracking applications, data interchange with any OPC DA/HDA compliant DCS or historian, and remote dashboard controls for CEM networks from enterprise-level to plant level.
Matrikon OPC Server Features, Benefits and Options:
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